Reverse text to columns


Rick Bedard

Is there any way to combine text from multiple columns into one column? Sort
of like the reverse of or undoing the "text to columns" feature.

I know I cn use the "&" symbol in a formula e.g. =A1&B1&C1 but this
leaves a formula in the cell so if I delete the original cells it no longer

I'd like to simply merge columns that split text into multiple columns back
into one column.



But you can simply copy>paste special>values in place
to overwrite the "&" formulas to convert to values?

J.E. McGimpsey

One way, using a macro:

Public Sub ColumnsToText(Optional rRng As Range, _
Optional sDelim As String = "")
Dim vTxtArr As Variant
Dim nTop As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Integer
If rRng Is Nothing Then Set rRng = Selection
Set rRng = Intersect(rRng, rRng.Parent.UsedRange)
vTxtArr = rRng.Value
nTop = UBound(vTxtArr, 1)
For i = 1 To nTop
For j = 2 To UBound(vTxtArr, 2)
vTxtArr(i, 1) = vTxtArr(i, 1) & sDelim & vTxtArr(i, j)
Next j
Next i
ReDim Preserve vTxtArr(1 To nTop, 1 To 1)
rRng.Resize(, 1).Value = vTxtArr
End Sub

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