Reverse Unique Values



Excel2003 ...

Col H contains up to 100 unique values
Col D contains Values L1, L2, L3 out to L50 (100 repeats of this set)

In Col C ... I wish a formula to return:

1st set L1-L50 ... 1st unique value from Col H
2nd set L1-L50 ... 2nd unique value from Col H
3rd set L1-L50 ... 3rd unique value from Col H
etc etc until all unqiue values are populated in Col C (up to 100 sets)

Thanks for the guidance ... Kha



I'm not sure the reason that you emphasize on unique value.
I hope I understood your question.
I would suggest this formula on C1 and pls drag down for other cells:
The outcome will be something like this (it doesn't care col H value is
unique or not, just choose n-th value based on n-th set L1-L50)
Col C Col D Col H
2 L1 (1st set) 2
2 L2 1
2 L3 3
2 L4 4
2 L5 5
2 L48
2 L49
2 L50 (1st set end)
1 L1 (2nd set)
1 L2
1 L3
1 L4
1 L5
1 L6

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