Reversed horizontal ruler?



I'm editing some old word documents that for some reason have the horizontal
ruler reversed. For example, it starts with 7 on the left side and goes to 1
on the right. Typical behavior is reversed (for example, right justification
moves everything to the left). I also notice some unusual behavior (if I try
and type something that's hyphenated, say, hi-tech, it will come out tech-hi).

How do I change the ruler back to the standard left-to-right ruler?!

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?dGhlaWxsa25pZ2h0?=,
I'm editing some old word documents that for some reason have the horizontal
ruler reversed. For example, it starts with 7 on the left side and goes to 1
on the right. Typical behavior is reversed (for example, right justification
moves everything to the left). I also notice some unusual behavior (if I try
and type something that's hyphenated, say, hi-tech, it will come out tech-hi).

How do I change the ruler back to the standard left-to-right ruler?!
Check with which language the text in these documents is formatted. Sounds like
some kind of right-to-left language was used...

If you need more assistance, we need to know which version of Word you're
working with and, if you know, in which version these documents were created.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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