Reversing coulumn



I have a coulumn with data in seperate rows i.e. 22,25,48,96,etc. Is there
an easy way change the data around so that it reads etc,96,48,25,22


Ken Wright

With your data in say A1:A100, in B1 put 1, in B2 put 2 and then fill down to
B100. Now select A1:B100 and sort on B in descending order. When done just
delete the data in B. Change ranges to suit.

Leo Heuser

If only some of the cells are to be
changed, this routine will do the job.
Make changes to mirror the actual
setup in

Col = "B"
ChangeCells = Array(22, 25)
WithCells = Array(96, 48)

The routine is inserted in a general module:
From the sheet: <Alt><F11>, menu: Insert >
Module, copy and paste the code to the
righthand window.
Return to the sheet with <Alt><F11>,
save the workbook and run the code from
Tools > Macro > Macros.
It is assumed, that the cells to be changed
do not contain formulae.

Sub ChangeRows()
'Leo Heuser, 1 Feb. 2004
Dim ChangeCells As Variant
Dim Col As String
Dim Counter As Long
Dim Dummy As Variant
Dim WithCells As Variant

Col = "B"
ChangeCells = Array(22, 25)
WithCells = Array(96, 48)

With ActiveSheet
For Counter = LBound(ChangeCells) To UBound(ChangeCells)
Dummy = .Cells(ChangeCells(Counter), Col).Value
.Cells(ChangeCells(Counter), Col).Value = _
.Cells(WithCells(Counter), Col).Value
.Cells(WithCells(Counter), Col).Value = Dummy
Next Counter
End With

End Sub

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