Review tab causes word to hang



Every time I click the review tab it becomes almost impossible to type
normally or to do anaything as I normally would. With the Review tab selected
CPU hits 99% - 100% and I cant seem to do anything to resolve this problem.
With any of the other tabs CPU idles and everything works as normal with
WINWORD.EXE using between 0% and 10% of CPU. Why does this happen? Is this a
universal problem? How do I stop it? Please help? I am using the trial
edition if that makes a difference. Word version 12.0.4518.1014.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?UHN5Y2hvdGljU2hlZXA=?=,
Every time I click the review tab it becomes almost impossible to type
normally or to do anaything as I normally would. With the Review tab selected
CPU hits 99% - 100% and I cant seem to do anything to resolve this problem.
With any of the other tabs CPU idles and everything works as normal with
WINWORD.EXE using between 0% and 10% of CPU. Why does this happen? Is this a
universal problem? How do I stop it? Please help? I am using the trial
edition if that makes a difference. Word version 12.0.4518.1014.
It's certainly not a universal problem; more likely something specific to your

If you start Windows in Safe Mode does the problem persist?

How about if you hold down CTRL when starting Word, to force it into Safe Mode?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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