REVISED ?? - populate limited cells w/ set value



thank you! - the reply at the bottom worked like a charm!

and if I could impose another question connected to this....
I also have other criteria to consider in addition to what is stated below.
are my conditions as stated in another formula:
if this is true>>> "=AND($J$3=1,$I21=1,K$3="x")", then I would want to apply
formula below, and otherwise populate with a 0. There are actually 10 sets
of this criteria ("=AND($J$3=2,$I21=2,K$3="x")",
"=AND($J$3=3,$I21=3,K$3="x"), etc up to 10).

thoughts? Is there now a problem because my cells in columns A may not be
considered consecutive because they may now be broken up by 0's? Is there a
way to apply the criteria above, yet populate the set # of cells with the set
value even if they are not consecutive?
am I being clear? do you need more info to answer?
Jane said:
I need to populate a limited # of cells in a column with a set value.

Cell A1 contains the # of cells that should be populated down column
starting at A3.
Cell A2 contains the values that is to be populated.
Once the # of cells is populated, the cells below that shopuld be populated
with 0

any suggestions?
thank you in advance ! jane

Try this:
And copy down as needed. OR
If the data is Text, try this:


Not quite sure what it is you want oto do. It seems that you have 10 tests,
each of which will result in a different formula being applied? In other
words, =IF(condition 1,result 1,IF(condition 2, result 2,IF( and so on up
till condition 10.

If this is the case, you will have to insert another column, because an IF
statement is limited in the number of arguments it will accept. In the first
column, Say K2, you can insert the =IF formulas, nested to say 6 levels, and
then insert an Else which inserts some symbol, text or figure (eg
,IF(condition 6,result 6,"NO"))))))
In column L, start your if statement as follows:
=IF(L2<>"NO",L2,IF(condition 7,result 7, and so on until you reach condition

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