Revision history of PS and retrieval of older versions


Anum Imam

Dear Experts,

I have two questions:
1-If I create project using project professional and publish it to the
project server. Later on update the same Project schedule. Is it possible to
retrieve older versions of same Project schedule?
2-How revision history of Project schedule can be maintained. Does Project
professional maintain automated revision history of PS that are created?


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Anum,

Project Server 2007 allows you to revert back to a previous version of your
schedule if required. In order to achieve this you will need to set up the
Project Backup under Server Settings within PWA. You can determin how many
versions you would like to keep.

Versions are every time you save a project and back up your project (
usually once a day).

Your second question is a little more difficult and out of the box not
possible. You are not able to compare different versions to determine the
delta ( would be nice if you could) sorry.

hope this helps

Ben Howard

Assuming you are using PS2007 then you can use the archive database to
restore previous versions - however it doesn't automatically save each
version, rather it will take a scheduled copy of the projects in the drafts
and published database every day (you need to set the schedule up), or an
adminsitrator can manually force an archive backup.

There is no revision history in Project.

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