Revision more flexible



Can I specify the style (color) of each one of the reviewers or modify the
name of a group of them?
I could always save the document in the moment when I want to join the
reviewers to only one, accept all the marks and do the same with the final
version, finally, compare both to get only one reviewer. But this process has
several inconvenient. First it's truly laborious. Second, it does not work
fine if there's lists in the document or changes after a change of style.
I saw that the revisions and revision objects in vb are only read. If these
would be write also then there are no question, only code it.

Shauna Kelly


No, you can't identify the colour to be used for each reviewer. Word
allocates the colours.

You can remove the names of all reviewers. To do that, Tools > Options >
Security. Tick the box "Remove personal information from file properties on
save". Then save the document. This will remove the date and time of each
revision, and ascribe all revisions to "Author".

More info at
How does Track Changes in Microsoft Word work?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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