RFC 1939 POP3 question


Andrew Kennard

Hi all

I appreciate this is not quite the right place to ask this question but i've
googled around and can't quite seem to find the answer. I'm sure there must
be one or two of you out there who really know your mail protocols ;)

I've read and understood RFC1939 - POP3 as I'm looking at writing an app
that can scan the messages on a POP3 server and check their contents.

I did a quick test just using telnet.

1) logged into pop3 server
3) 0 messages
4) sent email from another pc
6) 0 messages
7) repeat 5 LIST commands give 0 messages
9) logon back in
10) LIST
11) OK 1 1276

Now the real question is the contents of the LIST/UIDL commands only
refreshed on logoff/logon ? or did I just not wait long enough ?

I assume it ONLY refreshes on 'logon' as all RETR and DELE seem to use a
simple message number index that changes when new messages arrives. ie
message 1 is always the newest message ?

I note you can't use the UIDL key to RETR or DELE only as a uniq 'cross

I have an XDAII PDA which uses pocket outlook and sometimes after
downloading the headers if a do a 'Mark for Download' I get the wrong
message body against the header . . . I can now see how this is possible !

In summary I assume you have to update your applications UIDL list and store
the messages current latest 'LIST' position to ensure you are always
referencing the correct message. Which I assume is something POE doesn't
always get right ! ;)

Does 'full' outlook have any issues with header management/limitations of
POP3 when dealing with several 1000 messages on a POP3 server ?

Thanks in advance

Andrew Kennard

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