You don't say what Word version you are using but there are several shades
of grey available on the More Colors dialog, Standard tab (and equivalent
VBA constants available, if you want to use code). If you want to explicitly
set a percentage of Black, then this is how to calculate he RGB values:
100% Black = 0, 0, 0
0% Black = 255, 255, 255
thus each 1% less than 100% black is 2.55, 2.55, 2.55
rounding to whole numbers means that:
99% black is 3, 3, 3
98% black is 5, 5, 5
90% black is 25, 25, 25
70% black is 77, 77, 77
Now, if you happen to be using Word 2007 and want to use Theme colours
rather than the explicit black, see where I have written
more than I should - although probably not enough - about how it works.