Ribbon is great but...


Nick Elliott

I wish I could make the drawing tools tab sticky for times when I'm putting a
drawing together. I often accidentally click on a bit of whitespace and it
disappears, and then I need another 2 clicks to get back to where I was.
Invariably, when I'm going to be doing some drawing, I'll be adding a few
shapes, so I'd just like some control over this tab. Or maybe the ability to
"undock" it.

I do understand the philosophy of the ribbon and in general I think it works
really well, but I use Word quite a bit and find its new habit of hiding
commands from me a bit frustrating in this situation.

Just my thoughts, anyway.


Jay Freedman

I wish I could make the drawing tools tab sticky for times when I'm putting a
drawing together. I often accidentally click on a bit of whitespace and it
disappears, and then I need another 2 clicks to get back to where I was.
Invariably, when I'm going to be doing some drawing, I'll be adding a few
shapes, so I'd just like some control over this tab. Or maybe the ability to
"undock" it.

I do understand the philosophy of the ribbon and in general I think it works
really well, but I use Word quite a bit and find its new habit of hiding
commands from me a bit frustrating in this situation.

Just my thoughts, anyway.


You can right-click each of the group titles in the drawing ribbon (or at least
the ones you use routinely) and choose Add to Quick Access Toolbar. Then there
will be a permanently available button for each group. You can also add buttons
for individual items from the ribbon that way.

But the commands in those groups will be disabled if a drawing isn't selected
(which was also true in previous versions), so it's still two clicks to get to a
_working_ command. The only drawing command I find to be really useful on the
QAT is the Shapes button from the Insert > Illustrations group.

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