Rich Text Borders


Robert Morley

Hi all,

I'm not really sure the best group for this, so I'll start here and if
anybody's got better suggestions, I'm happy to hear them. So here's my

I'm implementing a mini RTF-writer for a project I'm working on, and I'm
currently working on paragraph borders. In the RTF spec 1.9 (and 1.8), it
lists "\brdrnone" as one of the <brdrk> possibilities, but doesn't ever
mention it again. Is that just a goof, and it's actually the same as
\brdrnil (which is listed later)? Googling it, it seems that "\brdrnone"
*is* in use, as well as \brdrnil, so what's the difference?


Robert Morley

Just in case anybody else is reading this, I'm not sure WHAT \brdrnil is
supposed to be, but it's definitely NOT the same as \brdrnone. It never
actually occurred to me to try it until now, and \brdrnil just left my
document a complete mess. It seems that \brdrnil is interpreted as some
kind of large, black border (at least in the context of the document I was
using). This contradicts what's stated in the RTF spec 1.9, which says that
it means no borders. \brdrnone is no borders; \brdrnil most definitely
isn' least, not in Word XP.


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