Rich Text Box Control


Brian McGuigan

I have added a Rich Text Box to a form and I want to bind it to an underlying field in a Table. However I'm having trouble deciding what Data Type the field should be. I also find that I cannot format the Text in the Conrol as I expected to be able to do. Can anyone Help?

Allen Browne

Bind to a Memo field.

Stephen Lebans has a free rich text box you can download from
and it is editable. For finer control, you can type something Word, copy to
clipboard, and paste into the control.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Brian McGuigan said:
I have added a Rich Text Box to a form and I want to bind it to an
underlying field in a Table. However I'm having trouble deciding what Data
Type the field should be. I also find that I cannot format the Text in the
Conrol as I expected to be able to do. Can anyone Help?

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