Rich Text Box



Again, a question from a newbie. I'd like to look at using a richtextbox control on one of my forms. As I read the documentation, it seems that I should be able to format text in a rich text box control but the format toolbar is not enabled.

So I thought maybe I had to add a toolbar to the form which has me looking at the toolbar control but, suffice it to say that trying to follow the documentation on the toolbar control is even more confusing to me.

Anyone have experience with trying the rich text box control and, if so, is there something I have to do to make the formatting toolbar active?


Yuan Shao

Hi Karen,

Thanks for your post. I would like to know what the documentation you
mentioned on your side. Please provide the related statements or the URL so
that I can fully understand your accurate concern. Based on my experience,
you are able to format the text in the control by double clicking the
Microsoft Rich Textbox Control on the design view.

Thanks for using MSDN newsgroup.


Michael Shao
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Thanks again. I really didn't explain this well. I want to have an area
where the user can type in information and format it, like a
mini-wordprocessor with minimal formatting requirements like changing font,
font size, maybe even color.

It seems to me that an richtextbox control would allow that and on the
property sheet of the control I can change these things.

A user, however, would need a toolbar to change formatting. So, do I build
a toolbar and put it on the form? Is there a way to use the formatting
toolbar in Access instead of building a separate toolbar? If I build a
toolbar for the form with the richtextbox does it have to be on the form?

I shudder to think how basic these questions must be but my documentation
just doesn't cover these fine points.


Yuan Shao

Hi Karen,

Thanks for your post. Based on my experience, it seems that you need to
build your own toolbar to handle the text format in the RichText Box
Control. The CommonDialog control should help you a lot for formatting the
text in the RichTextBox Control.

The CommonDialog control provides a standard set of dialog boxes for
operations such as opening and saving files, setting print options, and
selecting colors and fonts. The control also has the ability to display
help by running the Windows Help engine.

For more information regarding this issue, please refer to the following

CommonDialog Control

RichTextBox Control

Thanks for using MSDN newsgroup.


Michael Shao
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Stephen Lebans

You have to build your own Toolbar to interface with the RTF control.
Have a look at the older non AcxtiveX RTf solutions on my site. Make
sure you scroll down a couple of pages to get to the older solutions
that use Custom Toolbars. Some properties that send a message directly
to the control can be used as is. Others that go through class methods
will have to be changed slightly to work directly with the RTf control.

Finally you may want to consider ditching the MS RTF control and use the
free one on my site. It has a built in Toolbar for Formatting.

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.



Thanks, I'll look at that. I've been to your site before to help me figure
things out.


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