Rick Brandt



It's not giving me the nulls.
Purchase Price Appraised Value
10 15
12 9
5 8
6 6

What I was looking for was to only have 1 column show, but
I can see that's not possible but results from the
expressions you gave with the Nulls would be ok, but it's
not working that way. It still appears as shown above.
Sorry for being such a pest but I really do appreciate
your help.

Rick Brandt

It's not giving me the nulls.
Purchase Price Appraised Value
10 15
12 9
5 8
6 6

What I was looking for was to only have 1 column show, but
I can see that's not possible but results from the
expressions you gave with the Nulls would be ok, but it's
not working that way. It still appears as shown above.
Sorry for being such a pest but I really do appreciate
your help.

Go to SQL view of your query and post the entire SQL statement being used.


-----Original Message-----
"(e-mail address removed)"
message news:[email protected]...
It's not giving me the nulls.
Purchase Price Appraised Value
10 15
12 9
5 8
6 6

What I was looking for was to only have 1 column show, but
I can see that's not possible but results from the
expressions you gave with the Nulls would be ok, but it's
not working that way. It still appears as shown above.
Sorry for being such a pest but I really do appreciate
your help.

Go to SQL view of your query and post the entire SQL statement being used.

I don't check the Email account attached
to this message. Send instead to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

.Appraised Value: IIf([Appraised Value]<=[Purchase
Price], [Appraised Value], Null)
Purchase Price: IIf([Purchase Price]<[Appraised Value],
[Purchase Price], Null)

Michel Walsh


In Access 2003, you would obtain an error about a circular reference.

Change the aliases to remove any ambiguity:

Modifier Appraised Value: IIf([Appraised Value]<=[Purchase Price],
[Appraised Value], Null)

Modified Purchase Price: IIf([Purchase Price]<[Appraised Value], [Purchase
Price], Null)

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

-----Original Message-----
"(e-mail address removed)"
message news:[email protected]...
It's not giving me the nulls.
Purchase Price Appraised Value
10 15
12 9
5 8
6 6

What I was looking for was to only have 1 column show, but
I can see that's not possible but results from the
expressions you gave with the Nulls would be ok, but it's
not working that way. It still appears as shown above.
Sorry for being such a pest but I really do appreciate
your help.

Go to SQL view of your query and post the entire SQL statement being used.

I don't check the Email account attached
to this message. Send instead to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

.Appraised Value: IIf([Appraised Value]<=[Purchase
Price], [Appraised Value], Null)
Purchase Price: IIf([Purchase Price]<[Appraised Value],
[Purchase Price], Null)

Rick Brandt

Go to SQL view of your query and post the entire SQL statement being used.

Appraised Value: IIf([Appraised Value]<=[Purchase Price], [Appraised Value], Null)
Purchase Price: IIf([Purchase Price]<[Appraised Value], [Purchase
Price], Null)

I'm sorry, but this cannot be copied directly from your query as Access
will not allow you to alias a query field with the same name as a field
inside the expression unless you include a table qualifier. What you have
there should be giving you circular reference errors. Please post the SQL
of the entire query or of a test query that is the smallest amount of SQL
that still produces the output in question.

Or you can try to break this down into manageable steps. Try the following
expression in your query...

IIFTest: IIf(1<=2, "First Value", "Second Value")

You should get "First Value" as your output. Then substitute different
numbers on either side of the <= operator, some with the first value larger
and some where they are equal. If you get this expression to work the way
you expect, then replacing the literal number values with your field names
should produce the same type of results. Once you get that you can replace
the text output values with one of your field names and Null.

I still feel we have a communication problem somewhere because an IIf()
expression that does a test and has Null as one of its output choices
simply cannot output a number under both test conditions. If you type the
expression wrong you will either get an error or get Nulls when you expect
numbers and vise-versa. There is no way to enter it wrong that will give
you numbers in all cases.

Joan Wild

You want a single column showing the lower of the two.

Between this thread and the original, I see some things have gotten lost.

You can have a single column. Paste the following in an empty column of
your grid.

MyValue: IIf([Appraised Value]<=[Purchase Price], [Appraised Value],
[Purchase Price])

Run it and make sure it works. *Then* return to the grid and change
'MyValue' to what you want the column heading to be, however do *not* give
it the same name as any of your fields.

Joan Wild
Microsoft Access MVP

What I was looking for was to only have 1 column show,
.Appraised Value: IIf([Appraised Value]<=[Purchase
Price], [Appraised Value], Null)
Purchase Price: IIf([Purchase Price]<[Appraised Value],
[Purchase Price], Null)

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