Ridiculous Endnote Number Format Troubles


Spike in PDX

Word Perfect has long allowed you to format the in-text and in-note endnote
numbers separately. I just shelled out major bucks thinking Word 2007 would
finally have this elementary capacity. It does not, so far as I can tell,
after 3 hours of tweaking. I saw the topic about snagging the macro to kill
the default superscripting of the in-note numbers, but that macro provides no
control of the font and font size.

The truth of the matter is that no publisher or reader wants the in-note
endnote numbers superscripted, and the conventional format is full-sized
font, followed by a "." and a space preceding the note text.

I feel ripped off that Microsoft has not solved this problem, which it must
surely have known about for years. Is there any easy way to fix it, or do I
go back to WP, once and for all?

Clive Huggan

Dear Spike,

You have landed in a Mac Word newsgroup; we don't have Word 2007 here.
Although someone who uses it may respond here, you'll get more responses if
you post on a PC newsgroup.

Caveat emptor, eh? ;-)

Clive Huggan

On 27/2/07 1:19 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Spike in PDX" <Spike in

John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

Hhi Spike:

Well, if you go back to WordPerfect, nobody will notice. Last time I tried
WordPerfect, it choked up on the size of documents I use Word for.

If you post questions about PC Word 2007 in the Mac Word 2004 newsgroup,
you'll be struggling for an answer. Most of us have never seen the product.

I do have Word 2007 here. You can make a macro to insert the endnotes, and
if you do, you can format either of them any way you like. It's a bit of a
fiddle: you may want to use EndNote (the product) instead.

Chances are that Microsoft never will solve this problem because EndNote
already does, and cutting across someone else's marketing opportunity may be
subject to commercial agreements.

Check the EndNote website for more:


On 27/2/07 1:19 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Spike in PDX" <Spike in
Word Perfect has long allowed you to format the in-text and in-note endnote
numbers separately. I just shelled out major bucks thinking Word 2007 would
finally have this elementary capacity. It does not, so far as I can tell,
after 3 hours of tweaking. I saw the topic about snagging the macro to kill
the default superscripting of the in-note numbers, but that macro provides no
control of the font and font size.

The truth of the matter is that no publisher or reader wants the in-note
endnote numbers superscripted, and the conventional format is full-sized
font, followed by a "." and a space preceding the note text.

I feel ripped off that Microsoft has not solved this problem, which it must
surely have known about for years. Is there any easy way to fix it, or do I
go back to WP, once and for all?


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Business Analyst, Consultant
Technical Writer.
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

Daiya Mitchell

Side note: the product EndNote does *not* address this problem in any
way whatsoever. EndNote leans on the footnotes/endnotes created by
Word. Also, John, MS just cut into the bibliography manager space with
Word 2007. :) Though the newsgroups are full of complaints from people
who want it to be more powerful and customizable, so it isn't really
competition for EndNote.

But, as John says, Spike, you *can* tweak the macro here to change the
font size and formatting.

Post in a Word Programming group for help to edit the macro. Start here:

You'll need to provide the original code or the link to the site, and
you'll need to tell them what you do want the font and size to be, for
someone to edit the macro for you.


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