Jim Haselmaier
I like and use a lot the right-click-the-From-field to add a contact to the
Contacts folder.
I have OL2003 w/ BCM. I'm surprised (well, not totally surpised, given the
other major deficiencies in BCM....but thats for another rant......) that
right-clicking the From field doesn't also have an option to add to BCM
instead of just Contacts. Am I missing something? If I want to get it to
BCM do I first need to add it to Contacts, then drag it onto BCM?
Contacts folder.
I have OL2003 w/ BCM. I'm surprised (well, not totally surpised, given the
other major deficiencies in BCM....but thats for another rant......) that
right-clicking the From field doesn't also have an option to add to BCM
instead of just Contacts. Am I missing something? If I want to get it to
BCM do I first need to add it to Contacts, then drag it onto BCM?