Right Click Menus in a Word Document



If I wish to change a paragraph's settings, I may right click within
the paragraph. Also when I wish to copy a word or words, after
highlighting them I right click on them. I then see one of two menus:

Move Here
Copy Here
Link Here (may be greyed out)
Create Hyperlink Here


Bullets and Numbering
Draw Table

It is the second menu that I require, not the first. Sometimes on
getting the first menu I have to cancel it several times before the
second menu appears.

Please can anyone tell me how to control which menu appears. Do I do
something (unwittingly) prior to the right click that affects which
menu appears? Is there a setting I can make (even to the registry)
which controls it?

I am using Word 97.


Stefan Blom

The context menu with Move Here, Copy Here etc. should only display
after you've dragged text holding the right¹ mouse button. If you are
having problems with this, perhaps you need to change the settings for
your mouse in Control Panel.

¹Of course, this assumes that your mouse it setup for right-handed

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


The context menu with Move Here, Copy Here etc. should only display
after you've dragged text holding the right¹ mouse button. If you are
having problems with this, perhaps you need to change the settings for
your mouse in Control Panel.

¹Of course, this assumes that your mouse it setup for right-handed

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Thank you, Stefan, for your quick reply. Digging around in Google I
once found a vague reference to mouse movement which I could not
understand. This explains it, so I will check what I am doing on right
clicking and get control of it. Comments about mouse setting noted,

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