Right-Click Popup Sorting



I'm using the a runtime deployed MS Access 2003 App.

Due to the runtime limitation that many of the shortcuts and pop-up menus
are disabled in the runtime version, i can not have the users just
right-click on the header of a datasheet subform to sort the subform...

I need to create some sort of custom popup form to do this.

But before i create one from scratch i was wondering if anyone's seen some
neat little implementation of this type of sorting and/or filtering
capabilitiy that enables a developer to do things more programatically (ie
create sort options based on the info in the properties so it could be reused
on multiple forms) or feature-ridden (ie secondary sorts, etc mebbe with
sorting indicators on the form).

I've seen both back in the day when i was programming in other languages
that used inheritance/class libraries/etc, but certainly couldn't recode them
myself in Access, and don't want to reinvent the wheel anyway.


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