right to left menus



Dear All,

Using Access 2003/2007 does any one have any experience in building
right to left menus on the form itself, maybe by using an activeX tool
or any other available component.



Scott McDaniel

Dear All,

Using Access 2003/2007 does any one have any experience in building
right to left menus on the form itself, maybe by using an activeX tool
or any other available component.

I'm not aware of any menuing components that can be used in Access. There are quite a few for Visual Basic, but those
may (or more likely may NOT) work correctly in Access.

You can, however, build custom toolbars and such using Access 2003 (or Ribbons in 2007). You can associate a Toolbar
with a form, so that Access will display that toolbar whenever your form is shown (this is done in the Form's Properties

Unfortunately I don't have much experience with the 07 Ribbons, but there are tons of examples on the 'net about doing
things like this.


Scott McDaniel


Scott said:
I'm not aware of any menuing components that can be used in Access. There are quite a few for Visual Basic, but those
may (or more likely may NOT) work correctly in Access.

You can, however, build custom toolbars and such using Access 2003 (or Ribbons in 2007). You can associate a Toolbar
with a form, so that Access will display that toolbar whenever your form is shown (this is done in the Form's Properties

Unfortunately I don't have much experience with the 07 Ribbons, but there are tons of examples on the 'net about doing
things like this.

Scott McDaniel

Thank you for your respond Scott and I still think there is a way. I have
used the active X toolbar v 6.0 provided by windows and it is working fine.
The only problem with it is I can't align it Right to Left.



Scott McDaniel

Thank you for your respond Scott and I still think there is a way. I have
used the active X toolbar v 6.0 provided by windows and it is working fine.
The only problem with it is I can't align it Right to Left.

The ActiveX toolbar isn't certified for use in Access; it might work on your machine, but it may (or may not) work on
others with different environments. Access is notorioius for NOT behaving properly with ActiveX controls that are not
certified for use in Access (and there are very few of those). Use it at your own risk.


Scott McDaniel

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