Risk Summary for all projects


Marc Soester

Hi keoni,

Project Server does not allow you to amend the Risk and Issue views under
the Risk and Issue tab.

Alternetavely you could write a report in Reporting Service which would
allow you to create risk reports accross all projects.

Hope this helps


are you talking about sql reporting services?

Marc Soester said:
Hi keoni,

Project Server does not allow you to amend the Risk and Issue views under
the Risk and Issue tab.

Alternetavely you could write a report in Reporting Service which would
allow you to create risk reports accross all projects.

Hope this helps

Marc Soester

Thats correct, at least that is what we are using. Nothing would stop you to
use any SQL reporting tool.


I've never used SRS before. To do what was asked in my question, will it
take a lot of work?

Marc Soester

Hi Keoni,

The main work is based arround the WSS Database. If you know WSS well then
you should be able to get a stored Proc up and running within a day. Based on
the stored Proc you can create a report within your reporting tool.

The next step is to give users access to the report. We always create an
extra Tab wihtin Project Web Access and embed the report into the extra Tab.

All up you should have it up and running within 2-4 days depending on the
complexity of the report you require. I hope this helps


what developer tool do you use? i was planning on using visual studio .net,
but was told it was not approved yet by our security and that we would have
to purchase it. is there another tool that is free that i could use?

Marc Soester

Hi Keoni,

sorry for the delayed reply I was on holdiay :)

We are a Microsoft business and therefore use Visual Studio. To be honest,
you can use any developement environment that supports a dot net language.
Have a look on the Microsoft one, there is actually a "scaled down" version
of Visual Studio which doesnt cost anything.
I hope that helps


thanks for the info...

Since i'm new to this i was wondering if there is a good book that delves in
sql reporting services as it relates to project server? I need one that
addresses security as well. Right now my queries return all projects.
However, I only want PMs to see reports on projects that they are responsible
for. I really don't want to create a seperate query for each project to
generate a report. Also, if the book went into advanced queries or stored
procedures, that'd be great. Right now I'm using basic sql statements that I
got from online tutorials. Thanks again for your help.

Marc Soester

Hi Keoni,

I cant think of a book which covers SQL Reporting Service and Project
Server, but you may want to look at the Project Server SDK which can be
downloaded from the Microsoft page. This gives you a good indication of what
to consider. In actual fact, there is a reporting extender which you may be
interested in.



Thanks again I'll have to check out that site. Also, I was wondering if you
knew where the data for status reports are stored? I've looked in
msp_web_status_responses and all I found under wrest_text was 'longvarchar'.
Do you know where the actual data is saved and how to extract it?

Marc Soester

Sorry Keoni, let me kook into this. I did not need to do this just yet, but
will have a look. Shouldnt be hard to find



Thanks for all of your help. Sorry to ask you another question, but this
relates to one that I think you already know. I'm trying to pull the risk
and issues data but can't seem to find the information that the folks have
typed in. Do you know where I can pull those responses from? Again, thanks
and I do apologize for asking all these questions.


I'm trying to pull the risk
and issues data but can't seem to find the information that the folks have
typed in. Do you know where I can pull those responses from?

Hi Keoni --

I've built a fairly simple tool which can be used to display a
consolidated view of all project Issues on one page within PWA... and
I'm fairly certain that it can be tweaked to display Risks, as well.
Please contact me at one of the URLs in my signature below if you need
help with this.

Good luck!

Tony Zink


I would be interested in the tool you mention but I am not able to locate
you on any of the links in your post.


I am very intersted in the tool you mention. I cant locate you in the links
you provided in your post. Suggestions?

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