Rolling 12 month average



I'm trying to do a rolling 12 month average of employee compensation.

Rows have employee name, columns have the month and year.

Any ideas???

Thanks for the help!

Jacob Skaria

Use MATCH() to find the column number of a specifc month/year. and use that
as a parameter in OFFSET() function and average that range..Hope you are
familiar with these formulas....if not post sample data and someone here
should be able to help...


No, not really familiar with Match and OFFSET function.

Here is a sample of how I have my data set up:
a b c d e
f g h
Emp. Number Employee Name Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09
1 J. Doe $2 $4 $7
$5 $8 $2

Jacob Skaria

Could you please post a sample with the total you are expecting when your
input changes......

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