Rolling Back Insertions : Delete Problem




I have a form with fields from a linked table. All this form does is insert
a new client set up into the linked "CLIENTS" table. All fields are required
to save this data. Once the save button has been pressed, all fields are
checked for data and if everything is ok, data is saved to the table and then
a new form opens.

The newly opened form, linked to a different table "COMP", opens with the
new client key already populated which is perfect. What I would like to do
though upon pressing the save button on this form is to be able to delete the
previously inserted Client data from the Client table if any of the fields
are left empty on this new form.

Ideally, the button will look at fields to see for data, and save if all is
ok. However, if anything is missing a warning message will be shown to let
the user know that fields are required. I think I am ok with this bit. What
I need help with is how and where I add the code to find and delete the
previously entered data in the "CLIENT" table. At this point I do NOT want
the user to have another warning message.....I just want to delete the record.

Thanks in advance


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