Rolling up the latest date, criteria of range to compare highest d



I have Excel 2002, for XP.

I have a Bill of Materials for assemblies and sub-assemblies at about 2,000
rows. It has been organized into different levels, with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
as indicators. Parts at 0 level are the Top Assemblies, 1 is the Sub-Assembly

I need to give my supervisor a formula (or formulas, across columns -
whatever is necessary), that will ROLLUP the LAST DATE in a section of parts
that relate to each other.


Lvl Part No. Part Name Date Finished
0 100000 Big Assembly ?-??-??
1 100001 Big Part ?-??-??
1 100002 Big Bracket ?-??-??
2 100003 Big Washer 5-1-08
2 100004 Little Bolt 5-6-08
3 100005 Spacer 5-8-08

We need the dates from the Lower Assemblies, to rollup - whichever is the
LASTEST date, to the next level, and the latest date of THAT level, to roll
up to the next level - until Lvl 0 Top Assembly tells me the absolute date
this part would be complete. (Similar to what Project does... only in Excel.)

Using IFs and MAX formulas, I can get it to tell me what the highest date of
a bunch are. But I don't know how to specify to Excel, so it knows when one
whole assembly has stopped (probably the 0), and NOT to look in the NEXT
part's dates and pull date from that.

Any advice? Tomorrow is my last day on this project unfortunately.

Thanks for the help!

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