rollover text



Can anyone please help me get a text box (roll over?) to appear when pointing
at a hyperlink? The hyperlinks are working but no box appears to indicate
what or where the link is going to - i only the change in cursor. In my
hyperlink dialogue box the 'text to display' bit is always greyed out and
can't be changed. I have almost got my site working but without the standard
features that people expect to see it doesnt look that professional.
Please help.


I must be misunderstanding what mouseover effect you are wanting, because if
I am correct then it is far from "standard". "Standard" link mouseover
behavior shows the link path in the status bar of the browser, as I
understand it. Please provide a link to a page where you have seen the
effect and perhaps we can help.



Thanks for the quick response. the website i am buidling is if you move the cursor over a hyperlink it changes to
the 'pointy finger' but doesnt give that little box you normally get to tell
you what it is or where it is going - I might not have called it the right
thing but when you point the cursor at the active buttons on this page - a
little shadowed box appears - i need one of those under my hyperlinks - if
you take a look at the calendars that appear on the Calendar page you will
see why - i want a box to fly out and state which course is on that day.
thanks for your time


yes it is thanks - but unfortunately this is not my area of expertise so it
might as well be in Greek! However, perhaps someone smarter than I can follow
what this actually means and get it to work for me - for now I shall have to
live without the function or find a web publishing programme that is better
suited to idiots!
thanks for your help.


A workaround:

Create a new textbox. Move it to and size it such that it just covers the 28
on your calendar. You can use your arrow keys to nudge the text box. Fill it
with white. This will obscure your original number.

Now go to insert > html code fragment, and as per the article paste a
modified code snippet in the code fragment dialog. Try this:

<a title="Healthcare Commission (HC) Compliance Workshop
" href="">28</a>

Now drag the code fragment box over to the filled text box you just created
and resize it to exactly the same size of the text box. If you go to Arrange
Snap and make sure that all the options are checked, then when you resize
the code fragment box, the sides will snap to the sides of the text box and
make it easier. Then go to Arrange > Order and Bring to front, which will
make sure the code fragment box is on top of the text box. Do a web page
preview and see if that does what you want.

If you can omit the original number 28 from the calendar, then you could
skip the white filled text box and just place the code fragment box where
the 28 used to be. A number of ways of doing just have to invest
some time, and trial and terror.



Hi David
You Star! worked a treat - do you know if it is possible to edit the
properties of the fragment so that the text appears as the rest of the pages
- eg. Calibri font, pt size etc?
Many thanks



Yes, you can format the font in the code fragment, but that requires some
more coding. I am not a coder...that is one of the primary reason I use
Publisher for webs. I don't have time to test this, but this might work...if
it doesn't you will have to figure the code out yourself...welcome to web

<a title="Healthcare Commission (HC) Compliance Workshop
" href=""><font
face="Calibri" size=3>

I would also suggest that you rethink using Calibri font. In general you
should be using a "web safe font". Select a text box, go to Format > Font
and check the option of Show only Web fonts. Those 10 fonts are what you
should be using in a web publication. If you use Calibri, and the viewer
does not have the font on their computer, the browser will either convert
the text into a web friendly font which will change the way your page looks,
or it will convert the text to an image....and it might kill the link as a
result. Google on the subject of Web friendly fonts or Web safe fonts, and
read up on the subject and the pros and cons before you choose to to stay
with Calibri.

One of the biggest challenges for anyone that has used Publisher to produce
print publications and then wants to produce web publications is to develop
a different design mindset. You are dealing with two different mediums and
the design process is different. There are things you can do in print that
simply do not convert to html. When you learn to accept and embrace this,
the frustration levels go down. Using the Calibri font might appeal to your
print publication mindset, but the loss of the added functionality of using
a web font should be a higher priority. Just some things to think about...




I had another thought. If you change the default font scheme for the
publication to Calibri, or whatever, then the font in the code fragment will
take on the new default, and you won't have to worry about formatting the
font in the code fragment. I must admit that I rarely use wizards,
templates, font or color schemes and all those "automatic" features that are
available in Publisher, so I didn't think about this fix to your font


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