Rookie Question



I have created a query and I have a 1-space character in a field. I would
like to add a field and give it a name (Exp. Service1). I need to write an
IF statement that would say that If = "K" (True=1) (False=0). Can you help
with the beginners instructions and how to add the field and insert this
formula? Thanks



Are you looking to retain this field for future? How are you using the
output of this query?

One possible solution could be: IIf(Field1="K", "True", "False")

If you are retaining in a table (e.g. MyTable), could create a new field
(Field2 as a Yes/No field) and change the above to: IIf(Field1="K",
Field2=True, Field2=False)

No worries about "rookie" questions, everyone has to start somewhere. I
hope this helps.

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