Rotate AutoCAD drawing in word



I've linked an AutoCAD drawing into a word document and I
need to rotate it 90 degrees. The rotate icon on the
drawing toolbar is greyed out and can't use it?
I don't want to have to rotate the drawing in AutoCAD,
because that's going to cause more problems for me. Does
anyone know how to do this?

PJ Lightning

Does the picture have to be linked? If not save it as an
r12 dxf and import that into word. you can now rotate and,
if you ungroup it twice, edit it. (Not all r12 dxfs will
work it depends on your software I'm using Autodesk Land
desktop 2004 with both service packs installed and it
works fine. Before the service packs were installed I had
to convert dwgs using a batch converter and then use
Intellicad to export as an r12 because the land desktop
r12 wouldn't work in word.) Hope this helps

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