Hi Yawrood,
Text in text boxes in MS Office Publisher and Powerpoint (where you're working in a 'page size' drawing container rotate with the
box. In Word and Excel, where you're in a 'text based' environment text does not rotate with the box unless you copy it to the
clipboard then use Edit=>Paste Special and choose a picture/graphic format.
I inserted a rectangle into my document so that I could take advantage of
rotating it along with the text I added. The rectangle rotates, but the text
does not - why? >>
I hope this helped you,
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office system products MVP
LINKS for the 2007 Office System
1. Read about it, try it, or watch the movie

the 2007 Microsoft Office system iinfo is at
2. Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)
3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007
a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit