Round decimal number in calculated fields



I am looking for some help to make a rounding adjustment in the
calculated fields in my query. What I wish to do is to round the
decimal numbers like this: >0.01 to <0.24 to 0.0, >=0.25 to <0.74 to
0.5 and >=0.75 to <1 to 1. Thanks in advance.

John W. Vinson

I am looking for some help to make a rounding adjustment in the
calculated fields in my query. What I wish to do is to round the
decimal numbers like this: >0.01 to <0.24 to 0.0, >=0.25 to <0.74 to
0.5 and >=0.75 to <1 to 1. Thanks in advance.

Double the number and round to zero decimals, then divide:

Round(2.*<your expression>, 0) / 2

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