Rounding Corners


Steel Bananana

Well, yet again, I am unsatisfied with my web page! I have upgraded to FP
2003 (got a great deal - $20 for the full program from Microsoft!), and I am
re-mastering tables in the new version. It is SO MUCH EASIER!!! However,
none of the original 02 pages have the table flexibility. It's making me
insane, and now when I look at my web site, I see it as elementary!

So here's question number 1 of many...
How do I round corners? Here's a sample of what I'm looking to do: The menues on the top and left side are beutifully
rounded. How to achieve this effect? If you look at my site (VERY soon to
be recreated...) at, you can see square edges and
kindergarten feel.

In addition, any feedback you have would be great! How to improve, how to
Keep in mind that the site only gets about 20 hits per day, and I don't have
the funds to invest in a new shopping cart program at this time. It would
require Access, which I don't know, and an expensive upgrade for my hosting
service. It's a long-term goal, but right now is just not fiscally sound...

Thanks for reading! And thanks for your time!
(e-mail address removed) (please include 'FP discussion forum' in subject

Thomas A. Rowe

FP2003 can create rounded corners for tables when you FIRST create a table using Layout Tables.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


How do you slice?

Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®) said:
good link.

btw, a while back you asked why I slice images...this is one reason to use slicing - you create the entire box with rounded corners than just slice it up, instead of dealing with itsy bitsy corners pieces.

Tina Clarke

Beverly-Texas said:
How do you slice?

You can use your graphic editor though there is a free fp addon for this


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