Rounding off Problam



I have a problam on number rounding off. In using VBA in

I have an amount like .625. I wanted to round it to two
decimal points. if I do that the answer is .62.

Actualy My answer should be .63.

can please help me on this.

Denny G.

Add this code to a Module Object in your database

Function Round(Value As Variant, Decimals As Integer)
If Decimals >= 0 Then
Round = Int(Value * 10 ^ Decimals + 0.5000001) /
10 ^ Decimals
MsgBox ("Invalid amount of decimal places
Round = Value
End If
End Function

Add a text box to a report (based on a query with your
field you want to round) and in the Control Source for
that text box add this: =Round([the name of the field to
round in your query]/2,3)

Denny G.

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