I need help with rounding an answer to either a whole number or a .5 I know
this can be done in Excel and there are limitations with the Round() function
in VBA. I've seen replies stating to use the application.round but how would
I incorporate that into mine? Here is my code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' This prorates the # of months'
On Error GoTo ws_exit:
Dim ans As String, DteDiff As Integer
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("$C$25:$C$54")) Is Nothing Then
If UCase(Target.Value) = "Y" Then ' allows for Y and y
With Worksheets("agreement")
ans = InputBox("What is the warranty expiration date #", "Prorate
months", _
DteDiff = (Range("$L$11") - DateValue(ans)) / 30.42
Target = DteDiff
End With
End If
this can be done in Excel and there are limitations with the Round() function
in VBA. I've seen replies stating to use the application.round but how would
I incorporate that into mine? Here is my code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' This prorates the # of months'
On Error GoTo ws_exit:
Dim ans As String, DteDiff As Integer
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("$C$25:$C$54")) Is Nothing Then
If UCase(Target.Value) = "Y" Then ' allows for Y and y
With Worksheets("agreement")
ans = InputBox("What is the warranty expiration date #", "Prorate
months", _
DteDiff = (Range("$L$11") - DateValue(ans)) / 30.42
Target = DteDiff
End With
End If