Rounding up & down



I have many pages in excel with hundreds of prices. I need a formula t
round the price up or down.

For example: R 1465.55 rounded up to R 1495.00
R 1419.26 rounded down to R 1395.00
R 278.25 rounded up to R 295.00
R 749.00 rounded down to R 695.0

Dave R.

Without the R (good idea)--


If you have the R in the cell (bad idea, by the way)--


Ken Wright

Without the R (good idea)--

LOL - Not if you're South African :) the R is the same as a dollar or pound
sign and in this case is possibly just a currency format.

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)

Dave R. said:
Without the R (good idea)--


If you have the R in the cell (bad idea, by the way)--


JE McGimpsey

Since MROUND is an Analysis Toolpak Add-in function, when rounding to a
power of 10, there's no advantage to using MROUND over ROUND:

=ROUND(A1,-2) - 5


Thanks JE............

I still learn something every day in these newsgroups. Now the OP has a
choice of several working answers...........thats the wonderfulness of it

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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