How do you round down to the nearest £0.25 please Thanks. Bill Ridgeway
B Bill Ridgeway Apr 6, 2007 #1 How do you round down to the nearest £0.25 please Thanks. Bill Ridgeway
B Bob Phillips Apr 6, 2007 #2 =ROUND(A1*4,0)/4 -- HTH Bob (there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)
=ROUND(A1*4,0)/4 -- HTH Bob (there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)
B Bob Phillips Apr 6, 2007 #5 Sorry, missed the down =ROUNDDOWN(A1*4,0)/4 -- HTH Bob (there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)
Sorry, missed the down =ROUNDDOWN(A1*4,0)/4 -- HTH Bob (there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)
B BoniM Apr 6, 2007 #6 =MROUND(A1-0.125,0.25) Where A1 contains the number you wish to round. MROUND wil only round up, subtracting 0.125 forces a correction.
=MROUND(A1-0.125,0.25) Where A1 contains the number you wish to round. MROUND wil only round up, subtracting 0.125 forces a correction.
D David Biddulph Apr 6, 2007 #8 I think BoniM intended to say that MROUND rounds to the nearest, *not* that it will only round up.
B BoniM Apr 7, 2007 #9 Yep... Thanx. And I hereby pledge to henceforth only read (and never write) when I'm suffering from sleep deprivation... ;-)
Yep... Thanx. And I hereby pledge to henceforth only read (and never write) when I'm suffering from sleep deprivation... ;-)
J JMB Apr 7, 2007 #10 A pledge that I should also make BoniM said: Yep... Thanx. And I hereby pledge to henceforth only read (and never write) when I'm suffering from sleep deprivation... ;-) Click to expand...
A pledge that I should also make BoniM said: Yep... Thanx. And I hereby pledge to henceforth only read (and never write) when I'm suffering from sleep deprivation... ;-) Click to expand...