



I have a spreadsheet for calculating labor rate. Column A contains tenths of
an hour (.1, .2, .3 etc...) Column B has a simple formula (=A1*32.39), and
is filled down. Column B is formatted to currency, and 2 decimal places
(which I need to maintain). When I look at, for example .3, the result is
$9.72. Then I look at .6, and the result is $19.43. If you multiply $9.72 by
2, the result is $19.44, 1 penny off from the spreadsheet. I have tried some
rounding functions, but the results were still off like this. Any



I haven't fully tested it out, but in this particular situation you could use
the "Ceiling" function (rounds up to a certain significance - in this case,
rounds up to the nearest cent).

It's worth a try... if that doesn't work for you, you may just have to chalk
it up to "dirty math with decimals" :)


It was looking good, but I did find inconsistencies.
..5 = 16.20, but if you double that, the result is 32.40 - 1 penny higher
than 32.39.
..6 = 19.44, but if you double that, the result is 38.88 - whereas 1.2
(double the .6) is 38.87 - 1 penny less.

It keeps going on like that...

Thanks for the attempt Lisa.

Sandy Mann

Give evryone a penny rise to 32.40 otherwise I don't believe that it will
ever work out.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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