

Peo Sjoblom

You can't select 1 decimal places and not having the displayed number
If you don't want it to be displayed like that you would need to format as
general but
then all decimals will show. You can use a help column and a formula like


and 1.29 will be displayed as 1.2



Peo Sjoblom

Ron Rosenfeld

when chosen

excel rounds the number.

It's not actually rounding the number, only the display of that number.

What do you want to happen?
How can I order excel not to round but just show the real decimal?

Again, Excel is only rounding the display, not the number.

What do you mean by "real decimal".

You could format the cell as General.

Harald Staff

Because usually 1.2 is a more accurate representation of 1.19 than 1.1 is,
and you choose to do so when demanding 1 decimal only. Majority is always
right, right ?

Best wishes Harald

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