

George Schneider

How do i use the rounding function to round the values in a table called Weeks Supply. I try ROUND(Week SUpply,0) in a qery but get errors.

Tom Ellison

Dear George:

I see two problems possible here. The first is that the apparent
column name:

Week SUpply

has a space in it. The general recommendation is not to put spaces
withing names, only because the alternative is not always desirable.
But, that alternative is to put the column name inside brackets:

[Week SUpply]

Then your rounding would look like this:

ROUND([Week SUpply], 0)

If this is not the cause of your error (and I cannot see why it
wouldn't cause an error) then you may have a references issue on the
ROUND function. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it.

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts

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