

ROUNDUP round up to a certain number of decimal places just like round but
away from 0.
CEILING is like MROUND you control the factor that is controlling the

For example

ROUNDUP(1.24,1) =1.3
CEILING(1.24,1) = 2 since you are saying 1 is your unit of rounding, not
how may digits.
CEILING(1.24,.1) = 1.3 since you are saying do the roundup at the tenth.
ROUNDUP(1.24,.1) technically makes no sense so Excel uses 0 instead of .1
and returns 2.

Bob Phillips

There is none, CEILING is just a touch more intuitive IMO. For instance


is clearer than


In other words, ROUNDUP needs a few more hoops to go through with

John C

ROUNDUP only uses significant digits.
=ROUNDUP(4.231,2) would be 4.24
whereas CEILING allows rounding up to a nearest multiple
=CEILING(4.231,0.05) would be 4.25

Bob Phillips

Shorter, more succinct, yes. But clearer? I don't think so. Where is it
intuitive that the ,2 is going to 2 dec places, whereas the CEILING clearly
shows you the increment.

John C

It is what is taught in math class. Rounding to x number of decimal places.
So ingrained in me from all those many years ago. Don't get me wrong, I will
use either with ease and regularity, I just think the 2 decimal places is
clearer because that was how it was taught.

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