


My formular is to show total for monthly payment in access.

The formular :

Round([Principal+Interest]/([Period]*12),0)...([12400]/[3]*12),0) = 344

but when i enter "Roundup" instead of "Round" a message come out "
Undefined function 'ROUNDup' in expression.

Please help me. Thank you

Thomas Winkler

Round([Principal+Interest]/([Period]*12),0)...([12400]/[3]*12),0) = 344

but when i enter "Roundup" instead of "Round" a message come out "
Undefined function 'ROUNDup' in expression.

Does Access know a funtion like "RoundUp"? I Don't think so.

Try this:

1 .Create a new Module.
2. Paste this Code into it

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function RoundUp(ByVal sngValue As Single) As Single
Dim sngDummy As Single

sngDummy! = Fix(sngValue!)
RoundUp = sngDummy - (sngDummy! <> sngValue!)
End Function

Now Access should Know this Function.



Tom Wickerath

It sounds like you will need to write your own custom RoundUp function, if
this is what you want to do. Here is an article that you might find helpful:

If my answer has helped you, please answer yes to the question that reads
"Did this post answer the question?" at the bottom of the message thread.



My formular is to show total for monthly payment in access.

The formular :

Round([Principal+Interest]/([Period]*12),0)...([12400]/[3]*12),0) = 344

but when i enter "Roundup" instead of "Round" a message come out "
Undefined function 'ROUNDup' in expression.

Please help me. Thank you


I'd tried..but new message came out..'Wrong number of argument used with
function in query expression.

Thank you ....Thomas Winkler

Thomas Winkler

I'd tried..but new message came out..'Wrong number of argument used with
function in query expression.

this is correct. The Round-Function has 2 parameters, the number itself and
the number of decimals.
The new RoundUp-Function has only 1 parameter - the number.

You used the statement
Round([Principal+Interest]/([Period]*12),0)...([12400]/[3]*12),0) = 344

where after the "/[3]*12)" follows a comma and a zero. This is the 2nd
parameter for the Round-Function.

Remove comma and zero and it will work.


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