


the following code should work just like the roundup() funciton in excell.
Except the in the step where the clng function is use. is rounding the
number and the result is not the same as in excell. example if the number is
100.1973 the result we get bacj is 100.21. can someone help me with this

Public Function Roundup(dblNumber As Double, varRoundAmount As Double, _
Optional varUp As Variant) As Double

Dim dblTemp As Double
Dim lngTemp As Long

dblTemp = dblNumber / varRoundAmount
lngTemp = CLng(dblTemp)

If lngTemp = dblTemp Then
Roundup = dblNumber
If IsMissing(varUp) Then
' round down
dblTemp = lngTemp
' round up
dblTemp = lngTemp + 1
End If
Roundup = dblTemp * varRoundAmount
End If

End Function

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