You've commented out the range from the Imp worksheet.
You haven't used the syntax I suggested.
You haven't said what's in those cells.
This worked fine for me:
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim myRng1 As Range
Dim myRng2 As Range
Set wks = Workbooks.Add(1).Worksheets(1)
With wks
Set myRng1 = .Range("A1:A30")
Set myRng2 = .Range("b1:B30")
End With
With myRng1
.Formula = "=cell(""address"",a1)"
.Value = .Value
End With
With myRng2
.Formula = "=cell(""address"",b1)"
.Value = .Value
End With
Me.ComboBox1.RowSource = myRng1.Address(external:=True)
Me.ListBox1.RowSource = myRng2.Address(external:=True)
End Sub
Hydra wrote:
OK Brand new workbook, copied in ONLY the old data, then renamed the tabs to
match those in the old workbook.
Created a brand new userform and put a listbox and combobox on it.
Then I copied in my code to initialize the form:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim myRange As Range
Set ws = Worksheets("IMp")
Set myRange = ws.Range("b1", "b30")
'MsgBox Worksheets("Imp").Range("d1:d32").Address(external:=True)
'ListBox1.RowSource = "Imp!$d$1:$d$32"
'ComboBox1.RowSource = "Imp!$d$1:$d$32"
ListBox1.RowSource = "MajorEvents!$b$1:$b$32"
ComboBox1.RowSource = "MajorEvents!$b$1:$b$32"
'Either set of Row sources works for the listbox but not for the combobox.
End Sub
Try using the other syntax in a brand new test workbook.
Hydra wrote:
A listbox with listbox1.rowsource = "[Impbuilder]!Imp!$d$1:$d$32"
works OK
But if I use listbox1.rowsource = "[Impbuilder]!MajorEvents!$d$1:$d$32"
It thows an error.
The combo box won't work with either one.
Deleted the combobox and put in a new one, same result.
Try this:
msgbox worksheets("Imp").range("d1:d32").address(external:=true)
You'll see that it includes the workbook name, worksheet name and the cell
I'm not sure what full screen is, but if that means it looks like you could fit
32 entries in that area, then I'd look back at the worksheet and check to see
what's in that range. Maybe you're off by a column.
Hydra wrote:
None of them have worked for me.
I get a form with a command button to close the form
I get a control for the combo box, with a cursor in the box, but no data.
the combo box has a scroll bar, but it goes full screen, there being nothing
to scroll to.
What Does ----- address(external:=true) ----Do?
What i really want is
Me.ctrlMajorEventList.RowSource = "'Major Event'!$d$1:$d$32" where major
event is a different sheet.
Does that mean I ahave to define ws as "Major Event" instead of "Imp" which
is the active sheet??
Closing and reopening excel has no effect. I have trid different ranges
with different kinds of data. I cannot assign the row source directly in the
properties table: that throws an error.
Your first line of code worked fine for me:
Me.ctrlMajorEventList.RowSource = "Imp!$d$1:$d$32"
I like this syntax better:
Me.ctrlMajorEventList.RowSource _
= worksheets("Imp").range("d1:d32").address(external:=true)
But that's just my preference--your code worked fine for me.
When you say that the combobox was blank, do you mean the value of the combobox
was blank--or that the dropdown showed nothing (an empty list)?
If you wanted to show a choice in that combobox, you could add:
With Me.ctrlmajorEventList
.RowSource = Worksheets("imp").Range("D1:d32").Address(external:=True)
.ListIndex = 0 'or 0 to 31 (0 based)
End With
But I bet you didn't mean that.
When you use the dropdown arrow, do you see a very short dropdown area--like
there's nothing assigned to the combobox?
Or do you see a dropdown that looks like it would support 32 entries?
If you see the first, then something bad is happening (I don't have a clue).
But if you see the second, I'd check to make sure that D1
32 on Imp actually
has data in it.
ps. And one more thing to make sure it's not a pc display problem.
If you close excel, then reopen it, then open your workbook and show the
userform, does it appear ok?
Hydra wrote:
I have a user form that contains a combo box.
The rowsource is a named range in Excel. If I put the named range in the
properties box of the combobox on the form, the form and combobox control
appears when called but the combo box is blank.
The row souce is on a different worksheet inthe same workbook from the sheet
that is active when the form is called. I have tried renaming the rowsource
when the form is initialized as follows (Iterations commented out).
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Imp")
'Me.ctrlMajorEventList.RowSource = "Imp!$d$1:$d$32" (shows blank data
against current weeksheet, where data exists.
'Me.ctrlMajorEventList.RowSource = MajorEventList (shows Blank data, major
eventlist is a rangename)
'Me.ctrlmajorEventList.Rowsource = "''Major events'!b1:b30" ) (Shows blank
data agianst a separte sheet where data exists)
End Sub
Whether I use:
Me.ctrlEventList.RowSource = MajorEventList
Me.ctrlEventList.RowSource = "'Major Events'!b1:b30"
I get no error message, but I also get no data showing in the form.
I call the form using:
When it opens, it should initialize itself, right? Or do I need to open the
form and also call the initalize routine to initialize the data source?