Cathy C
In other email subfolders, this row is present with symbols for the first few
columns in a message's information and then From Subject Received Size. Now,
on this Outlook installation, there are two columns: the first says "Arranged
by Date" and the second one says "Newest on top." We have no idea how this
got set and can't seem to find the way to get it back. We've done a reset, a
reinstallation, detect and repair, patches, updates. Appreciate any
columns in a message's information and then From Subject Received Size. Now,
on this Outlook installation, there are two columns: the first says "Arranged
by Date" and the second one says "Newest on top." We have no idea how this
got set and can't seem to find the way to get it back. We've done a reset, a
reinstallation, detect and repair, patches, updates. Appreciate any