Rows do not cover the width of the page.



Word just recently started doing this: If I use the little table icon and
make say 4 columns and four rows. It makes a table of these little boxes to
about half the width of the page. Before this started happening, it would
spread the rows evenly across the width of the page (which is what I want).

I tried everything (I think). If you know how to change to spread across
the width of the page, can you also please tell me how to "default" it so it
stays like that? Thank you so much.

Pat Garard

G'Day LifeGirl,

Check your margins - Word normally spreads the Table between L & R


Hello everyone, it seems that my had been changed to two columns.
That was the problem for both my posts, the other was on page formatting. I
changed my back to one column and everyting was good. Thanks

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