Sorry for the repost, but I'm hoping the question is difficult, rather than
everybody's ignoring me..... ;-)
Hi all!
I'm really stuck on this. The problem I'm trying to solve is two fold. The
first is that I need to pass a value entered by a user in Excel to a query
residing in Access. Then I need to populate a recordset with the result for
later processing. The second problem is the query MUST use a User Defined
Function (WeekNumber). My non-working code is below.
I'm using automation to resolve the UDF problem. The problem is acApp.Run
expects the name of a module (or function within), and I want to run the SQL
statement I've built. I could write the query into an Access module if I
knew a way to pass the user entry from Excel to Access. A day's worth of
Google searching and testing has failed to provide me with an answer.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Sub GetQuality()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strJob As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim acApp As Object
Dim rsJobData As ADODB.Recordset
strJob = "1240" 'User entry at a later date
strSQL = "SELECT [Job #], Year(ProDate) & '-' & WeekNumber(ProDate) as
YearWeek, " _
& "SUM([Cast Shots]) AS CastShots " _
& "FROM Production " _
& "WHERE LEFT([Job #],4) = " & strJob & " " _
& "AND WeekNumber(ProDate) >= WeekNumber(Date())-11 " _
& "AND Year(ProDate) = Year(Date()) " _
& "GROUP BY [Job #], Year(ProDate) & '-' & WeekNumber(ProDate)"
MsgBox strSQL
Set acApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
'Set rsJobData = acApp.Run(strSQL)
'While Not rsJobData.EOF
' MsgBox "Job: " & rsJobData("Job #") & "YearWeek: " &
' rsJobData.MoveNext
Set acApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical
GoTo SubQuit
End Sub
everybody's ignoring me..... ;-)
Hi all!
I'm really stuck on this. The problem I'm trying to solve is two fold. The
first is that I need to pass a value entered by a user in Excel to a query
residing in Access. Then I need to populate a recordset with the result for
later processing. The second problem is the query MUST use a User Defined
Function (WeekNumber). My non-working code is below.
I'm using automation to resolve the UDF problem. The problem is acApp.Run
expects the name of a module (or function within), and I want to run the SQL
statement I've built. I could write the query into an Access module if I
knew a way to pass the user entry from Excel to Access. A day's worth of
Google searching and testing has failed to provide me with an answer.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Sub GetQuality()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strJob As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim acApp As Object
Dim rsJobData As ADODB.Recordset
strJob = "1240" 'User entry at a later date
strSQL = "SELECT [Job #], Year(ProDate) & '-' & WeekNumber(ProDate) as
YearWeek, " _
& "SUM([Cast Shots]) AS CastShots " _
& "FROM Production " _
& "WHERE LEFT([Job #],4) = " & strJob & " " _
& "AND WeekNumber(ProDate) >= WeekNumber(Date())-11 " _
& "AND Year(ProDate) = Year(Date()) " _
& "GROUP BY [Job #], Year(ProDate) & '-' & WeekNumber(ProDate)"
MsgBox strSQL
Set acApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
'Set rsJobData = acApp.Run(strSQL)
'While Not rsJobData.EOF
' MsgBox "Job: " & rsJobData("Job #") & "YearWeek: " &
' rsJobData.MoveNext
Set acApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical
GoTo SubQuit
End Sub