RPC over HTTP not working using home ISP




My ISP at home was recently aquired by another, and two weeks ago officially
converted web to the new company. This happens to be the same time that RPC
over HTTP stopped working on my home network.

I'll admit that I'm no expert in the finer workings of how this functions,
but from what I've read there aren't any ports that can be opened to allow
this to work. Technically it just requires HTTPS. However I read an
intersting forum post at Earthlink discussing how they have created custom
page they display anytime someone tries to resolve a bad domain name.

If I understand the way RPC over HTTP works, Outlook initialy tries to
resolve the local name of the exchange server (not resolvable over the
Internet), and when that fails it tries to connect to the name specified for
RPC over HTTP. In the case of Earthlink, since they are displaying a custom
page for all bad DNS lookups, the DNS request never technically fails when
trying to resolve the local network name of the exchange server. It just
ends up resolving to the company Earthlink is working with for this feature.

This is testable by trying to ping a bad domain name. Rather than getting
"Unknown Host", it resolves to an Earthlink IP address.

I've tested this on my ISP and this is not the case. I get Unknown host
when trying to resolve a bad domain name.

I've contacted the Technical support and ran into a dead end. The tech
seemed to put forth an honest effort to help me resolve the problem but
ultimately told me that everything was setup exactly as it was with the old
ISP and no ports were blocked, etc. They refused to allow me to speak with
anyone more involved with designing their network or someone who was more
familer with RPC over HTTP (or who had even heard of it).

So, my new task is to try to determine what, if anything, I can do to make
this work over this specific ISP.

I've troubleshot this as far as I can. I've even tried opening ports 443,
6001-6004 after reading something saying these ports were used for RPC over
HTTP but that didnt' help at all.

My opinion is that my ISP is doing something that is keeping this from
working but because it's not used my many people they don't know or care.

Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to resolve this?


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