Alan Nusbaum said:
Just noticed that I can have RSS feeds com into Entourage. How do I add
feeds? I am using 11.3.3 of Entourage.
RSS feeds in Entourage??? I sure don't have them and I don;t think that
the app supports them,
I know how yo can be lead to beleive that though as I've seen it before:
- use an Exchange account
- go on a PC and launch Outlook 2007 on the same account
(Outlook 2007 supports RSS feeds ad will create an RSS feed folder
populated with new news)
- go back to the Mac and launch Entourage:
Tha app will pick up the new folder and dispaly all the new news as
unread messages. You can read them, but Entourage will not update the
folder by itself as new news are made available through RSS.