rst loop versus For Each

  • Thread starter auujxa2 via
  • Start date

auujxa2 via

I'd like to use the values from rst (DeptQry) instead of the items selected.
Here is my current code for the items selected. Please let me know how to
change it from the items selected to DeptQry results. Thank you in advance.

Dim strSQL As String
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control
Set frm = Forms!frmSetup
Set ctl = frm!lstMyDepartments
Set db = OpenDatabase("F:\Vendor Matrix\Data\Source\Maintenance Database -
F09\MENS Fall FY09 Vendor Maintenance.mdb")
Set rstDate = db.OpenRecordset("MasterTbl")

For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected

strSQL = "DELETE * FROM [MasterTbl] IN 'F:\Vendor Matrix\Data\Source\
Maintenance Database - F09\MENS Fall FY09 Vendor Maintenance.mdb'" & _
" WHERE [Department #] = " & ctl.ItemData(varItem) & ""

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

Next varItem

End If


End Sub

Marshall Barton

auujxa2 said:
I'd like to use the values from rst (DeptQry) instead of the items selected.
Here is my current code for the items selected. Please let me know how to
change it from the items selected to DeptQry results. Thank you in advance.

Dim strSQL As String
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control
Set frm = Forms!frmSetup
Set ctl = frm!lstMyDepartments
Set db = OpenDatabase("F:\Vendor Matrix\Data\Source\Maintenance Database -
F09\MENS Fall FY09 Vendor Maintenance.mdb")
Set rstDate = db.OpenRecordset("MasterTbl")

For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected

strSQL = "DELETE * FROM [MasterTbl] IN 'F:\Vendor Matrix\Data\Source\
Maintenance Database - F09\MENS Fall FY09 Vendor Maintenance.mdb'" & _
" WHERE [Department #] = " & ctl.ItemData(varItem) & ""

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

Next varItem

End If


End Sub

You'll have to explain what the DeptQry query is doing and
how it relates to the varItem values.

BTW, your code could be "cleaner":

strSQL = "DELETE * FROM MasterTbl & _
" WHERE [Department #] = " & ctl.ItemData(varItem)
db.Execute strSQL

auujxa2 via

the reason why I have the location of the database, is because I'm deleting
values selected in the lst, from a table in another database.

as to answer your other question:

DeptQry has only 1 field - Department #. which is the same value that the
list is pulling.

so I want the field: department # from DeptQry, to take the place of ctl.
ItemData(varItem) - which is the value from a multi-select list

Marshall said:
I'd like to use the values from rst (DeptQry) instead of the items selected.
Here is my current code for the items selected. Please let me know how to
[quoted text clipped - 25 lines]

You'll have to explain what the DeptQry query is doing and
how it relates to the varItem values.

BTW, your code could be "cleaner":

strSQL = "DELETE * FROM MasterTbl & _
" WHERE [Department #] = " & ctl.ItemData(varItem)
db.Execute strSQL

auujxa2 via

I'll give you somebackground. When someone selects their departments from a
list, I want those selected departments to open the source database table
(MasterTbl), and delete those department records.

The code that I have run after that, which is not posted on this thread,
appends the new department data to the master table after it's deleted.

I want whatever values that are in deptqry to be deleted from mastertbl,
instead of the selections from the lst, for reasons that would be too long to
I'd like to use the values from rst (DeptQry) instead of the items selected.
Here is my current code for the items selected. Please let me know how to
change it from the items selected to DeptQry results. Thank you in advance.

Dim strSQL As String
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control
Set frm = Forms!frmSetup
Set ctl = frm!lstMyDepartments
Set db = OpenDatabase("F:\Vendor Matrix\Data\Source\Maintenance Database -
F09\MENS Fall FY09 Vendor Maintenance.mdb")
Set rstDate = db.OpenRecordset("MasterTbl")

For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected

strSQL = "DELETE * FROM [MasterTbl] IN 'F:\Vendor Matrix\Data\Source\
Maintenance Database - F09\MENS Fall FY09 Vendor Maintenance.mdb'" & _
" WHERE [Department #] = " & ctl.ItemData(varItem) & ""

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

Next varItem

End If


End Sub

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