Mike Kamzyuk

Does anyone have an example about how to setup an RTD server on a
remote machine? Please don't point me to any ms articles, they aren't
In particular,

1) How do I create an exe exposing a com interface?
2) How do I register an exe on a client machine?
Or am I confused here?

Fredrik Wahlgren

Mike Kamzyuk said:
Does anyone have an example about how to setup an RTD server on a
remote machine? Please don't point me to any ms articles, they aren't
In particular,

1) How do I create an exe exposing a com interface?
2) How do I register an exe on a client machine?
Or am I confused here?
Care to tell what language you want to use? You should be able to use com+
in which case your rtd server should be written as a dll.


Fredrik Wahlgren

Mike Kamzyuk said:
Does anyone have an example about how to setup an RTD server on a
remote machine? Please don't point me to any ms articles, they aren't
In particular,

1) How do I create an exe exposing a com interface?
2) How do I register an exe on a client machine?
Or am I confused here?

1) In VB.NET (Scroll down to the middle)



Fredrik Wahlgren

Mike Kamzyuk said:
Yes, I'm using .Net. I could use any of the languages there, that's
not an issue.
I figured out how to build the rtd server as a dll, but the ms article
says that if dcom is used, the rtd server has to be an exe. I figured
out the whole process with the dll (I'm sure setting up the dcom is not
that difficult with a dll). I'm just confused as to what needs

If you make a COM+ dll, nothing has to be registered. You only need to start
Component Services and add your package.


Thomas Risi

Hi Mike,

i think the ms-example ist written in vb6. If your rtd-server is compiled in
a activex-exe, installation ist easy. Only install the file (client &
server) with doubleclick, and then configure dcom. That's all.
In case of using an activex-dll, it's more difficult. Installation on server
is different from client. The dll is not able to run alone (like a exe), so
it needs a surrogate-process. On client-side you have to install only the
typelibrary *.tlb

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