rtf formatted Memo field from Access 07 Mailmerge into Word



Hi, I am merging a rich text formatted Memo field from Access 07 into Word.
The actual FORMATdoes not come across into Word, but the CODE for the
formatting only e.g. normal text <bold on> bold text <bold off> normal
text,... which reminds me of Website coding....

Does anyone know how to either bring the original format across, or how to
do something to the Word Document, so it converts the format code into actual
formatting? Help would be sooo apreciated, Lara

Peter Jamieson

Unfortunately rtf formatting codes just don't get through to Word during a
merge, and there is no really simple solution to this problem. The most
straightforward approach is to export each RTF field to a file that has a
name that is somehow related to key columns in the record (e.g. if you have
a table with an ID field called ID with values 1,2,3,4, export your rtf
field to files called rtf1.rtf, rtf2.rtf etc., then use a nested INCLUDETEXT
field to include the rtf files:

{ INCLUDETEXT "c:\\whatver\\rtf{ MERGEFIELD ID }.rtf" }

Peter Jamieson


Thank you Peter! At least I know where I stand, and don't have to worry that
I am missing something obvious. I will try what you suggested.

I had another idea in the meantime: to store the memo fields in Excel
(fortunately they don't have to be edited often), link them into Access for
the paragraph selection (ticks) at the clients perusal for the mailmerge,
then bring them from Excel into word depending on the Access selection
criteria.... will let you know what works best .....

Thanks, your answer means a lot to me!

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