RTF2 : One of my needs is currently not covered


François Uldry

Hi All,

Stephan, I am really impressed with your tool (less impressed with M$
implementation af ActiveX though)

You implemented SelLeftIndent, but did not implement SelRightIndent.

Sadly, I have historical data with an encoded RightIndent I must remove
through programming. (In between I will try to understand the RTF syntax to
remove all of its occurences)

Would it be possible to get a new version with that property available ?

A question, if the unformatted text is empty would it work for me to get
that info through the PlainText property ?

Well, keep up the good work (and if anyday you change your licensing scheme,
you must know that I have a customer that will be willing to give you some
money for your control).

Take care,
** Back to Lurking**

Stephen Lebans

Hi Francois,
I will not be updating the RTF2 control until later this summer. I will
see at that time if I can support your request. In the mean time, it may
be possible for you to add this property yourself. Search the VB NG and
VB code web sites. Most properties that I do not currently support, if
natively supported by the MS RTF control spec, can be accessed via the
SendMessage API with the appropriate Message. The RTF2 control exposes
the hWnd property for that exact purpose.

Let me know how you make out.


Stephen Lebans
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